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Interview with the founder of Eurocount Services

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Emiliya Yordanova, holder of a Master’s Degree in Accountancy and Control, and of Economy and industry management

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How long have you been working in the tax and accounting consultancy sector and how did you choose this line of work?

I am a holder of a Master’s Degree of Accountancy and Control, as well as Economy and industry management since January 1997.

My training at the “D. A. Tsenov” Academy of Economics, city of Svishtov, was a natural next step from my economic education in the Staroprestolna High School of Economics in the city of Veliko Tarnovo.

Already as a university student, I had my first real contact with accounting. While working on my Diploma thesis, I applied for part-time work at a company. Very soon after appointing me, the owner entrusted me with accounting as well.

Back then, we would still be working with paper-based forms (journals). I was given a huge bag of documents and an unreconciled trial balance. It was a test of my will and knowledge, but with a lot of hard work and perseverance, I managed. This fight was the beginning of my growth as a specialist in the profession.

This was followed by 15 years working as a chief accountant at companies in various sectors: international trade, construction, transport, services, manufacturing, etc.

Certified public accountants that I had the opportunity to work with over the years kindled in me the desire for professional development in the area of independent financial audit. For 7 years, I grew my knowledge and experience in the audit profession. This was the period of establishing myself as a specialist in the accounting profession.

Finding accounting and tax problems and their fast and efficient elimination is at the core of my work. The trust I’ve built with clients and their appreciation are an important indication of the quality of my work.

Who are your clients?

I work with people like yourself – owners of companies involved in domestic and foreign trade in goods and services. I help them build or improve their company’s accountancy. I prevent them from wasting precious time struggling to figure out constant legislative changes. I support them with appropriate and timely solutions to each accounting situation arising in their business.

What will happen if you haven’t yet worked with clients with a case like mine?

I get to know the business in detail. I analyze processes at the company. I clarify the goals and priorities in the specific case. I define the results sought and concentrate on achieving maximum profit. I make suitable suggestions for improvement of activities of importance to the business. I suggest solutions for correct presentation and improvement of reporting.

What makes you stand out among other accounting companies?

What makes us different from the other accounting companies is the approach we’ve built for quick identification of problems associated with tax legislation, and their prevention.

What am I expected to do?

You need to introduce in your business the rules and documents we have specified. Best results are achieved at the companies which immediately implement the policies created for them.

Who are your services not intended for?

The strategy I offer is not suitable for companies which want business development, but have no desire to change.

Does your approach work?

Yes. You can also see the opinions of some of my clients by visiting this page.

Can I contact your clients to hear from them what it’s like to work with you?

Of course. I encourage you to read all client testimonies here. Then you can email or call any of them that you choose, ask for an additional opinion to find out what they obtained specifically from working with me.

I would like to work with you. What are my options?

Congratulations on deciding to work for even greater success. I will be happy to achieve that together. Depending on each client’s specific needs, we created the following service packages:

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Accountancy, Payroll, management and business consulting

For clients who frequently experience accounting, labor, tax legislation issues, and are subject to counter inspections and revisions. Continuous support by email and telephone.

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Accountancy, Payroll, and business consulting

For clients with developing business. Continuous support by email.

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Accounting and payroll servicing

For clients starting a business

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I know which service option I need. How do I start?

Great! A special trait of successful people is fast decision-making. This skill leads them to achieving results much quicker than the rest. If you feel that working with me will bring you the desired results, do not hesitate.

Call me at: 0897343456 or contact me using the contact form.

Let’s create and apply the relevant accounting solutions for your business!

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Are you ready to earn more money in your business by avoiding the uncertainty, problems, and pitfalls in your company’s accounting and tax reporting?


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